Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Tahukah Kita Makna WALL???

Yes... WALL bermakna DINDING. Lalu kenapa dengan dinding?
Mari kita lanjutkan. .

Siapakah yang membuat FB? Mark Zuckerberg seorang berbangsa YAHUDI. Apa kaitannya WALL & YAHUDI? Kaitan keduanya sangat erat.


Didinding itu mereka menangisi dosa-dosa mereka, meluapkan harapan, ratapan dan segalanya. Itulah tujuan mereka membuat FB.

Dan tanpa kita sadari, kita lebih banyak mengadu masalah di FB daripada mengadu kepada ALLAH SWT, lebih mengutamakan update status daripada shalat dan dzikir kepada ALLAH SWT.

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Source quench received.

While ping, you may get a result like ;
Reply from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Source quench received.
Reply from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Source quench received.
Reply from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Source quench received.
These messages can be ignored, because they have no impact on the operating system.
Possible causes are,
A single destination is affected by data from many sources,
Device’s speed variation,
When Low speed network speaks to high speed network.
Hardware Failure.
In HP-UX, this has been fixed in the 11.01 Version itself. If you want, we can disable this message by,
ndd -set /dev/ip ip_send_source_quench 0
To make it permanent, add the following lines in to /etc/rc.config.d/nddconf file
Explanation :
The flow control mechanism in IP is the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Source Quench message. In effect, when IP packets arrive too quickly for a node to handle, it can send a Source Quench message, which essentially tells the source of the packets to back off. This message should not be considered a problem.
For detailed study,